Sunday, March 20, 2011

Orc strategy

Now, the main stratege of Orc is 50 populations: Grunt+Raider+Spirit Walker. Begin, let 5 peons, 3 of then go grab golden and 1 peon put down Orc Burrow and 1 put down Altar of Storms. Then, let Great Hall keep train 7 peons, put down 1 Barracks and 1 Voodoo Lounge. Choose Blade Master be the first hero, train your first Grunt, go with BM for farm. At this time, you have 20 population. Put down your second Burrow, and keep train 3 more Grunts, then upgrade Great Hall to Strong Hold. 4 Grunts will help BM farm every monster place, and the Healing Salve will help unit healing. So easy and happy for farm, when you have a level 3 BM, you will see a super DPS beast! After Strong Hold finish, put down 1 Spirit Lodge and 1 Beastiary. Train 2 Spirit Walkers and 2 Raiders, upgrade Spirit Walker Adept Training, this upgrade will let SW has the ability to cast Disenchant. Upgrade Raiders ensnare. Choose Shadow Hunter to be the second hero, learn Hex and Healing Wave. Put down 3 more Orc Burrows and Train 1 more Kodo Beast, here you have 50 populations. At this time, Orc has the most powerful units, and this time the best chance for Orc to win.

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