Monday, March 28, 2011

Angel or Demon: Demon Hunter

Demon Hunters are dark, shadowy warriors who are shunned by the greater Night Elf society. They made a pact, long ago, to fight against the forces of chaos using its own terrible powers against it. These mysterious warriors ritually blind themselves so that they develop 'spectral sight' that enables them to see demons and undead with greater clarity. They wield demonically charged warblades in battle and even call upon demonic energies to augment their formidable combat skills. Although they are counted as some of the mightiest warriors within the Night Elves' society, the Demon Hunters are always maligned and misunderstood for making their selfless pact with darkness.

Mana Burn
Sends a bolt of negative energy that burns a target enemy unit's mana. Burned mana combusts, dealing damage to the target equal to the amount of mana burned.
LevelDurationCooldownMana CostRangeArea of EffectAllowed TargetsEffectHero Level Req
1N/A7 sec.5030UnitAir, Ground, Enemy, NeutralBurns 50 mana1
2N/A6 sec.5030UnitAir, Ground, Enemy, NeutralBurns 100 mana3
3N/A5 sec.5030UnitAir, Ground, Enemy, NeutralBurns 150 mana5

Mana Burn Information
Mana Burn is best used against enemy Heroes. You can also use Mana Burn against annoying enemy spellcasters such as Priests, Sorceresses, or Shamans.
If you use this ability against enemy Heroes you will not get the full amount of damage due to Hero Magic Resistance. Some Creeps and units also have resistances to this ability.
Make sure you check the Mana of the enemy unit before using this ability. If they are low on Mana, don't use Mana Burn.
Mana Burn Counters
This spell has little chance of being countered. To prevent Mana Burn you need to have Spell Immunity, kill the Demon Hunter, or hope he runs out of mana.
Engulfs the Demon Hunter in flames, causing damage to nearby enemy land units. Drains mana until deactivated.
LevelDurationCooldownMana CostRangeArea of EffectAllowed TargetsEffectHero Level Req
1N/AN/A35 + 7/secN/A16Ground, Enemy, Neutral, Organic10 damage/sec1
2N/AN/A35 + 7/secN/A16Ground, Enemy, Neutral, Organic15 damage/sec3
3N/AN/A35 + 7/secN/A16Ground, Enemy, Neutral, Organic20 damage/sec5
Immolation Information
Since Immolation damages nearby units, try to position the Demon Hunter so that Immolation is hitting as many units as possible.
Immolation drains mana while it is being used so make sure you turn it off when you do not need it to conserve mana.
Immolation Counters
Avoid the area of effect. Use ranged troops to kill the Demon Hunter or quickly kill him before the Immolation does too much damage.
Evasion (Passive)
Gives the Demon Hunter a chance to avoid attacks.
LevelDurationCooldownMana CostRangeArea of EffectAllowed TargetsEffectHero Level Req
1N/AN/ANoneN/AN/AN/A10% chance opponent misses1
2N/AN/ANoneN/AN/AN/A20% chance opponent misses3
3N/AN/ANoneN/AN/AN/A30% chance opponent misses5
Evasion Information
Evasion is a very powerful ability because it allows the Demon Hunter to avoid attacks and take no damage. You should always try to max this ability.
Evasion Counters
Since this is a passive spell requiring no mana this spell has little chance of being countered. The best counter is to devote more units to attacking the Demon Hunter.
Metamorphosis (Ultimate)
Transforms the Demon Hunter into a powerful demon with a ranged attack (60 range) and 500 bonus hit points.
LevelDurationCooldownMana CostRangeArea of EffectAllowed TargetsEffectHero Level Req
N/A60 sec.180 sec.150N/AN/ASelf+500 HP, 3 HP regenerated/sec6
Metamorphosis Information
This ability is very powerful because it increases the Demon Hunter's hit points by 500 and gives him very fast hit point regeneration. He can also attack with a ranged splash damage attack. You should use this ability in heavy combat whenever possible.
Metamorphosis Counters
Run away until the spell wears off, quickly kill the Demon Hunter with massed units, or use a Hero killing spell or ability.

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