Saturday, March 19, 2011

Human Strategies: Class 3

Human VS Night Elves:
Night Elves' main strategies is Demon Hunter be the first hero, and choose Bear&Deer. Bear is the Druid of the Claw, deer is the Dryad. Bears are tanks, DH and deers are DPS. Druid of the Claw's Roar can increase the DPS and Rejuvenation can support for healing. Dryad's spell immunity can decrease enemies moving speed, and abolish magic can abolish some bad buffs. Human want to fight with NE's bear&deer strat, need to choose magic team and mortar team. Begin, footmen help Archmage go farm and quick level up. After Keep, put down two Arcane Sanctums and one Workshop. Train couple of Priests for healing, and couple of Soceresses to slow Night Elves' bears. Then, train Spell Breakers be tanks, use Spell Steal to steal the Druid's Rejuvenation for our units. Train 3 to 4 Mortar Teams for back row DPS. Upgrade the Flare and Fragmentation Shards. Flare can help Human reveal any area and spy NE's second Tree of Life. Fragmentation will give Deers and Bears amazing damage.

Human VS Undead:
Undead is the hardest race for Human to fight, if you want to win, you must build your second Town Hall, and use the advantage of economy to win. Here is a strategy, we call it Machine Strat. This strategy is kind of "unique", and other race hate this strategy. You can choose any hero be the first train. Begin, use militias and footmen help hero to open then second golden, put down second Town Hall. Build tones if tower for denfence both in main Town Hall and second Town, then upgrade. After Castle, put down 3 workshops and train Flying Machines and Siege Engines. Use Siege Engines to destroy all UD buildings and then win. (Notice: in Warcraft III, if all buildings are destroied, you lose.)    

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