Thursday, March 17, 2011

Human Strategies: Class 1

This strategy is known by every Humer. But, this steategy is the request class for every one who want to play Human in Warcraft III, and we can say if a Human player does not good at Omnipotence, he is not a good human player.
Begin, 3 peasants for gold. 1 peasant builds Farm and 1 peasant builds Altar of Kings. Town Hall product 2 more peasants(we need 5 more keep you have enough gold and wood), when the first peasant out, let him to build Barracks. When Altar built, choose Archmage be the first hero. When Barracks over, product 3 Footmen. Now, let Archmage and footmen go farm and level up. Keep all your units live. It's better to build one scout Tower for defending. When the money and wood is enough, upgrades Town Hall to Keep. Between this, build your Blacksmith. Then, product your Riflemen, 4 or 5 is good. Remember, upgrade Rifleman's available: Long Rifles. When the Keep build down, choose Mountain King be the second hero, and put down tow Arcane Sanctums. After this, produce 3 Sorceresses first, then produce Priests. Keep your population at 55. Then go fire!
In this strategy, Archmage's Water Elements and Mountain King will be tanks stay in front of whole team. And Riflemen and Archmage stay in middle for the physical DPS. Sorceresses and Priests stay at back for magic DPS. Sorceresses use Slow to astrict enemies attack rate and movement speed. Priests use Heal for Healing and support whole team.

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