Tuesday, March 29, 2011


The Goblins were former allies of the Horde, but their greed has inspired them to strike out on their own. Goblin Merchants sell various magic items to visiting Heroes.
Each Item lists the name of the item with a link to more information. The time it takes for an item to regenerate after it has been purchased is listed next. Following that is a list of when an item is first available after the start of the game. Potions of Invisibility, for example, aren't available until 440 seconds later (7+ minutes). The maximum number of items sold is listed in.

Circlet of Nobility
 175 Regenerates: 90 sec.
Availability: [1] at Start.

Periapt of Vitality
 350 Regenerates: 120 sec.
Availability: [1] at Start.

Boots of Speed
 250 Regenerates: 220 sec.
Availability: [1] at 220 sec.

Dust of Appearance
 75 Regenerates: 60 sec.
Availability: [1] at Start.

Scroll of Healing
 250 Regenerates: 120 sec.
Availability: [2] at 440 sec.

Scroll of Protection
 150 Regenerates: 120 sec.
Availability: [2] at 440 sec.

Scroll of Town Portal
 350 Regenerates: 120 sec.
Availability: [2] at 440 sec.

Potion of Invisibility
 100 Regenerates: 120 sec.
Availability: [1] at 440 sec.

Tome of Retraining
 300 Regenerates: 120 sec.
Availability: [1] at 440 sec.

Staff of Teleportation
 150 Regenerates: 120 sec.
Availability: [1] at 220 sec.

Potion of Lesser Invulnerability
 150 Regenerates: 120 sec.
Availability: [1] at 440 sec.

Neutral Heros

Naga Sea Witch

[Naga Female]

Dark Ranger

[Undead Female]

Pandaren Brewmaster

[Pandaren Male]


[Half Orc/Ogre Male]

Pit Lord


Goblin Tinker




Goblin Alchemist

[Goblin and Ogre]



The horrifying Undead army, called the Scourge, consists of thousands of walking corpses, disembodied spirits, damned mortal men and insidious extra-dimensional entities. The Scourge was created by the Burning Legion for the sole purpose of sowing terror across the world in anticipation of the Legion's inevitable invasion. The Undead are ruled by Ner'zhul, the Lich King, who lords over the icy realm of Northrend from his frozen throne. Ner'zhul commands the terrible plague of undeath, which he sends ever southward into the human lands. As the plague encroaches on the southlands, more and more humans fall prey to Ner'zhul's mental control and life-draining sickness every day. In this way, Ner'zhul has swelled the ranks of the already considerable Scourge. The Undead employ necromantic magics and the elemental powers of the cold north against their enemies. 

Racial Identity:

The Undead Scourge is a well-balanced faction that can field enduring ground forces and powerful air units. Their spellcasters possess a variety of powerful magics, including the dreaded ability to raise fallen allies and foes alike into an army of walking dead. In this way, the Undead can field armies more numerous than any other race in Warcraft III.

  • Summoned Buildings
    The Undead do not build structures, but instead summon them into being. Once an Acolyte is told to build a building, it begins the summoning spell, and the building gradually appears. During this time, the Acolyte can return to its duties, since it does not need to stay with a building while it is being summoned. The Undead can also Unsummon their buildings and recoup a percentage of the gold and lumber cost originally used to summon the building.
  • Corpses
    In addition to gold and lumber, the Undead Scourge harvest corpses as a tertiary resource. Corpses are not used for purchasing units or raising buildings, but instead are used to fuel some of the powers of the Undead. The Necromancer unit uses corpses to create Skeleton Warriors, while the Ghoul and Abomination consume corpses to rapidly restore health. Corpses disappear over time, but the Undead can store and create them in their Meat Wagon units, where they will not decay and can be unloaded for use when the need arises.
  • Defense
    The Undead can have very tough defenses thanks to Their Spirit Towers and Nerubian Towers with Fortified Armor that can also be repaired during battle.
  • Burrow/Stone Form
    Crypt Fiends can burrow under the ground making them invisible to the enemy and gaining increased health regeneration. Stone Form can be used to regenerate Gargoyles.
  • Regeneration
    Undead can bring Obsidian Statues with them to regenerate their hit points and mana.

NE vs Orc: Cyclone

Cyclone strat is a stratagy when NE meet Orc, and this stratage is first using by Chinese NE player Magicyang, and complete by South Korea NE player Moon. This stratagy is use all Druid of the talon, and using Cyclone to limit Orc's DPS. Also use Faerie Fire, to give Orc team lots of miss and decreasing their DPS.
In today, Cyclone Strat is use DH be NE's first hero, and use Ancient of War and one Archer to help farming. After kill the first mosnter, DH will for to find Orc Hero and disturb him farm and level up use mana burning spell. Upgrading Tree of Life to Tree of Ages as soon as possible, then put down two Ancient of Wind and prapare to train Talon Druids. But, upgrade Adept Training first after one done. Choose Neutral Hero Beast Master be the second hero, and use his Quilbeast and help DH to disturb Orc again. Keep money and wood, upgrade the Tree of Ages to the Tree of Eternity. Upgrading Master training at first time, the third hero wil be the Neutral Hero Goblin Tinker, and his spell Pocket Factory will give Orc team a very good effect. Talon Druids stay behind 3 heros, Pocker Factory, Quibeast, Beast Master, DH and Tinker be tanks, Talon Druids Cyclone up 2 or 3 units at one time, not all.

The fifth race: Moon

Moon, whos name is Jang Jae-Ho, is a South Korea professional Warcraft 3 player, and his race is Night Elves. With his ID Moon, people also call him the Moon Fiend. If you ask me who is the best Night Elves player in this world, i will see it is Moon. He created many strategies, not only 4 races, moon use Netural Heros be the starting. Also, choose natural units in Mercenary Camp. So, people call Moon is the fifth race in Warcraft 3.
Moon is a very industrious player, every day he will spend more than 15 hourse on practice. With his struggle, he got lots of championship in every E-sports match except WCG and ESWC.
2009, when Moon join the E-sport Club: WeMadeFox, he got the second highest wage in South Korea E-sport history: 3 year above 560,000 USD.
But now, after Starcraft came out, Moon change to play Starcraft, and hope him can have a good achievement in his new career.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Angel or Demon: Demon Hunter

Demon Hunters are dark, shadowy warriors who are shunned by the greater Night Elf society. They made a pact, long ago, to fight against the forces of chaos using its own terrible powers against it. These mysterious warriors ritually blind themselves so that they develop 'spectral sight' that enables them to see demons and undead with greater clarity. They wield demonically charged warblades in battle and even call upon demonic energies to augment their formidable combat skills. Although they are counted as some of the mightiest warriors within the Night Elves' society, the Demon Hunters are always maligned and misunderstood for making their selfless pact with darkness.

Mana Burn
Sends a bolt of negative energy that burns a target enemy unit's mana. Burned mana combusts, dealing damage to the target equal to the amount of mana burned.
LevelDurationCooldownMana CostRangeArea of EffectAllowed TargetsEffectHero Level Req
1N/A7 sec.5030UnitAir, Ground, Enemy, NeutralBurns 50 mana1
2N/A6 sec.5030UnitAir, Ground, Enemy, NeutralBurns 100 mana3
3N/A5 sec.5030UnitAir, Ground, Enemy, NeutralBurns 150 mana5

Mana Burn Information
Mana Burn is best used against enemy Heroes. You can also use Mana Burn against annoying enemy spellcasters such as Priests, Sorceresses, or Shamans.
If you use this ability against enemy Heroes you will not get the full amount of damage due to Hero Magic Resistance. Some Creeps and units also have resistances to this ability.
Make sure you check the Mana of the enemy unit before using this ability. If they are low on Mana, don't use Mana Burn.
Mana Burn Counters
This spell has little chance of being countered. To prevent Mana Burn you need to have Spell Immunity, kill the Demon Hunter, or hope he runs out of mana.
Engulfs the Demon Hunter in flames, causing damage to nearby enemy land units. Drains mana until deactivated.
LevelDurationCooldownMana CostRangeArea of EffectAllowed TargetsEffectHero Level Req
1N/AN/A35 + 7/secN/A16Ground, Enemy, Neutral, Organic10 damage/sec1
2N/AN/A35 + 7/secN/A16Ground, Enemy, Neutral, Organic15 damage/sec3
3N/AN/A35 + 7/secN/A16Ground, Enemy, Neutral, Organic20 damage/sec5
Immolation Information
Since Immolation damages nearby units, try to position the Demon Hunter so that Immolation is hitting as many units as possible.
Immolation drains mana while it is being used so make sure you turn it off when you do not need it to conserve mana.
Immolation Counters
Avoid the area of effect. Use ranged troops to kill the Demon Hunter or quickly kill him before the Immolation does too much damage.
Evasion (Passive)
Gives the Demon Hunter a chance to avoid attacks.
LevelDurationCooldownMana CostRangeArea of EffectAllowed TargetsEffectHero Level Req
1N/AN/ANoneN/AN/AN/A10% chance opponent misses1
2N/AN/ANoneN/AN/AN/A20% chance opponent misses3
3N/AN/ANoneN/AN/AN/A30% chance opponent misses5
Evasion Information
Evasion is a very powerful ability because it allows the Demon Hunter to avoid attacks and take no damage. You should always try to max this ability.
Evasion Counters
Since this is a passive spell requiring no mana this spell has little chance of being countered. The best counter is to devote more units to attacking the Demon Hunter.
Metamorphosis (Ultimate)
Transforms the Demon Hunter into a powerful demon with a ranged attack (60 range) and 500 bonus hit points.
LevelDurationCooldownMana CostRangeArea of EffectAllowed TargetsEffectHero Level Req
N/A60 sec.180 sec.150N/AN/ASelf+500 HP, 3 HP regenerated/sec6
Metamorphosis Information
This ability is very powerful because it increases the Demon Hunter's hit points by 500 and gives him very fast hit point regeneration. He can also attack with a ranged splash damage attack. You should use this ability in heavy combat whenever possible.
Metamorphosis Counters
Run away until the spell wears off, quickly kill the Demon Hunter with massed units, or use a Hero killing spell or ability.